
Here are the pictures and brief description of the RC Outing of Sunday, March 25, 2007. There were 6 planes, and most of them flew. My friend Tim did most of the piloting.

Headwind B

With Tim piloting, most of the flights were successful, except, of course, the last one. The main support in the fuselage that holds the wing on broke on the last landing attempt. The last picture shows the attitude of the plane when it came to a stop on the grass.


So the night before, Tim and I had a few drinks, and somewhen around midnight we decided to build a plane. The results were Frankie. After waking up the next morning, finding a plane built on the table in our haze, we of course had to fly it! It was definitely tail heavy and difficult to control, although Tim did manage to control it after we taped extra weight to the nose. I ended up trying to fly it solo a few weeks later, and all but destroyed it.

Hobbico Custom Cruiser

With Tim in 'control', it made about three flights, and the third flight ended with a spiraling death dive, straight into the paved road. In flight, it resembled a yellow bat versus an aircraft. The most excitement of the day, watching Tim's reactions and hearing his vocalisations over trying to handle this tiny monster.