
Here are the pictures and brief description of Tim's GWS eStarter.

Let's face it, GWS is an inexpensive supplier of RC kits and gear, and people don't give them credit where credit is due in most cases. Having said that, I was quite impressed with the flying characteristics and durability of this craft. Tim beat on it, crashed it, burnt up equipment flying it, and it still continued to just, well, fly. Even loaded down with epoxy fixes, packing tape, oversized batteries, the thing just flies. can you say built like a tank? He definitely got his money's worth out of this plane.


With Tim piloting, there was about 3 flights, with some aerobatics, touch and go's, and successful landings. A plane he is very comfortable with, and the flying skills showed as such.

Aircraft Specs

Airframe: GWS eStarter
Wingspan: 36 inches
Weight: 12 oz
Controls: Thr, Rud, Ele, Ail
Motor: Direct Drive 380
Radio: GWS 6ch

Tim's GWS eStarter.