
This is my conversion of the SIG Parasol. It is a simple rubber band powered free flight profile kit with a built-up wing. Having really liked the package graphics, I bought the kit with the intentions of completing it as designed. After having the kit for a while, I decided to build up the fuse and make it 3 dimensional instead of flat.

I started by scanning in the original "build on the plan" tissue and editing it, adding stringers and longerons as needed. I took the file to an office store and had them print a couple of copies.

The wing as designed was flat. I did some research on different airfoil shapes, and decided on an under-camber, using the one for the 'Hangar Rat', an even simpler derivative of the Parasol.

Instead of using the traditional building board with pins method, I used a metal plate and magnets. For the most part, I like this way much better. The one con being, ironically, the magnets themselves. When using metal tools or parts near one of them, it either pulls the magnet off of the board or pulls it to the magnet. Other than that, this method works very well, and I've completed several models using it.

The build began by making two fuselage sides over the plans. The two sides were then connected at a width of 1 1/4". the formers for the front and cockpits were made by cutting and fitting as needed, using the plans as a reference.

The wing was built by laying the pieces out on a grided cutting matt instead of a drawn plan. The ribs were made by slicing them out of 1/16" balsa with a hobby knife and a template. The template was fashioned out of 1/8" inch plywood and made to the airfoil shape shown on the Hangar Rat plans. After building the sides and middle section, they were joined at the dihedral shown in the kit directions.

The tail section was completed as shown on the plans, adding control hinge breaks and additional support as needed.

The covering is thin silkspan. PhotoShop was used to make the graphics, then they were printed by using 3m artist spray to tack the silkspan onto a backer page then sending it through a bubblejet printer. Color added, with no additional weight.

Then everything got a light coat of Krylon Crystal Clear.

Aircraft Specs

Airframe: SIG Parasol
Wingspan: 20 inches
Weight: 60 grams auw
Controls: Thr, Rud, Ele
Motor: 15 gr bl Outrunner
Radio: GWS R4PII
ESC: HobbyKing 5gr bl
Servos: Blue Arrow 2.5gr
Battery: 135mah li

Sig Parasol.